
A collection of iterators for data transformations.

These functions are plain iterator functions. You can find curried versions in webdataset.filters, and you can find IterableDataset wrappers in webdataset.processing.

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# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of the WebDataset library.
# See the LICENSE file for licensing terms (BSD-style).

"""A collection of iterators for data transformations.

These functions are plain iterator functions. You can find curried versions
in webdataset.filters, and you can find IterableDataset wrappers in

import random
import sys
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np

from . import autodecode
from . import utils
from .checks import checktype

    from torch import Tensor as TorchTensor
except ModuleNotFoundError:

    class TorchTensor:


# Helpers

def reraise_exception(exn):
    """Reraises the given exception; used as a handler.

    :param exn: exception
    raise exn

def identity(x):
    """Return the argument."""
    return x

def compose2(f, g):
    """Compose two functions, g(f(x))."""
    return lambda x: g(f(x))

def compose(*args):
    """Compose a sequence of functions (left-to-right)."""
    return reduce(compose2, args)

def pipeline(source, *args):
    """Write an input pipeline; first argument is source, rest are filters."""
    if len(args) == 0:
        return source
    return compose(*args)(source)

def getfirst(a, keys, default=None, missing_is_error=True):
    """Get the first matching key from a dictionary.

    Keys can be specified as a list, or as a string of keys separated by ';'.
    if isinstance(keys, str):
        assert " " not in keys
        keys = keys.split(";")
    for k in keys:
        if k in a:
            return a[k]
    if missing_is_error:
        raise ValueError(f"didn't find {keys} in {list(a.keys())}")
    return default

def parse_field_spec(fields):
    """Parse a specification for a list of fields to be extracted.

    Keys are separated by spaces in the spec. Each key can itself
    be composed of key alternatives separated by ';'.
    if isinstance(fields, str):
        fields = fields.split()
    return [field.split(";") for field in fields]

def transform_with(sample, transformers):
    """Transform a list of values using a list of functions.

    sample: list of values
    transformers: list of functions

    If there are fewer transformers than inputs, or if a transformer
    function is None, then the identity function is used for the
    corresponding sample fields.
    checktype(sample, (tuple, list))
    if transformers is None or len(transformers) == 0:
        return sample
    result = list(sample)
    assert len(transformers) <= len(sample)
    for i in range(len(transformers)):  # skipcq: PYL-C0200
        f = transformers[i]
        if f is not None:
            result[i] = f(sample[i])
    return result

# Iterators

def info(data, fmt=None, n=3, every=-1, width=50, stream=sys.stderr, name=""):
    """Print information about the samples that are passing through.

    :param data: source iterator
    :param fmt: format statement (using sample dict as keyword)
    :param n: when to stop
    :param every: how often to print
    :param width: maximum width
    :param stream: output stream
    :param name: identifier printed before any output
    for i, sample in enumerate(data):
        if i < n or (every > 0 and (i + 1) % every == 0):
            if fmt is None:
                print("---", name, file=stream)
                for k, v in sample.items():
                    print(k, repr(v)[:width], file=stream)
                print(fmt.format(**sample), file=stream)
        yield sample

def shuffle(data, bufsize=1000, initial=100, rng=random, handler=None):
    """Shuffle the data in the stream.

    This uses a buffer of size `bufsize`. Shuffling at
    startup is less random; this is traded off against
    yielding samples quickly.

    data: iterator
    bufsize: buffer size for shuffling
    returns: iterator
    rng: either random module or random.Random instance

    initial = min(initial, bufsize)
    buf = []
    startup = True
    for sample in data:
        if len(buf) < bufsize:
                buf.append(next(data))  # skipcq: PYL-R1708
            except StopIteration:
        k = rng.randint(0, len(buf) - 1)
        sample, buf[k] = buf[k], sample
        if startup and len(buf) < initial:
        startup = False
        yield sample
    for sample in buf:
        yield sample

def select(data, predicate):
    """Select samples based on a predicate.

    :param data: source iterator
    :param predicate: predicate (function)
    for sample in data:
        if predicate(sample):
            yield sample

def log_keys(data, logfile=None):
    import fcntl
    if logfile is None or logfile == "":
        for sample in data:
            yield sample
        with open(logfile, "a") as stream:
            for i, sample in enumerate(data):
                buf = f"{i}\t{sample.get('__worker__')}\t{sample.get('__rank__')}\t{sample.get('__key__')}\n"
                    fcntl.flock(stream.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
                    fcntl.flock(stream.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN)
                yield sample

def decode(data, *args, handler=reraise_exception, **kw):
    """Decode data based on the decoding functions given as arguments."""
    f = autodecode.Decoder(list(args), **kw)

    for sample in data:
        assert isinstance(sample, dict), sample
            decoded = f(sample)
        except Exception as exn:  # skipcq: PYL-W0703
            if handler(exn):
        yield decoded

def map(data, f, handler=reraise_exception):
    """Map samples."""
    for sample in data:
            result = f(sample)
        except Exception as exn:
            if handler(exn):
        if isinstance(sample, dict) and isinstance(result, dict):
            result["__key__"] = sample.get("__key__")
        yield result

def rename(data, handler=reraise_exception, keep=True, **kw):
    """Rename samples based on keyword arguments."""
    for sample in data:
            if not keep:
                yield {k: getfirst(sample, v, missing_is_error=True) for k, v in kw.items()}
                def listify(v):
                    return v.split(";") if isinstance(v, str) else v
                to_be_replaced = {x for v in kw.values() for x in listify(v)}
                result = {k: v for k, v in sample.items() if k not in to_be_replaced}
                result.update({k: getfirst(sample, v, missing_is_error=True) for k, v in kw.items()})
                yield result
        except Exception as exn:
            if handler(exn):

def associate(data, associator, **kw):
    """Associate additional data with samples."""
    for sample in data:
        if callable(associator):
            extra = associator(sample["__key__"])
            extra = associator.get(sample["__key__"], {})
        sample.update(extra)  # destructive
        yield sample

def map_dict(data, handler=reraise_exception, **kw):
    """Map the entries in a dict sample with individual functions."""
    assert len(list(kw.keys())) > 0
    for key, f in kw.items():
        assert callable(f), (key, f)

    for sample in data:
        assert isinstance(sample, dict)
            for k, f in kw.items():
                sample[k] = f(sample[k])
        except Exception as exn:
            if handler(exn):
        yield sample

def to_tuple(data, *args, handler=reraise_exception, missing_is_error=True, none_is_error=None):
    """Convert dict samples to tuples."""
    if none_is_error is None:
        none_is_error = missing_is_error
    if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str) and " " in args[0]:
        args = args[0].split()

    for sample in data:
            result = tuple([getfirst(sample, f, missing_is_error=missing_is_error) for f in args])
            if none_is_error and any(x is None for x in result):
                raise ValueError(f"to_tuple {args} got {sample.keys()}")
            yield result
        except Exception as exn:
            if handler(exn):

def map_tuple(data, *args, handler=reraise_exception):
    """Map the entries of a tuple with individual functions."""
    args = [f if f is not None else utils.identity for f in args]
    for f in args:
        assert callable(f), f
    for sample in data:
        assert isinstance(sample, (list, tuple))
        sample = list(sample)
        n = min(len(args), len(sample))
            for i in range(n):
                sample[i] = args[i](sample[i])
        except Exception as exn:
            if handler(exn):
        yield tuple(sample)

def default_collation_fn(samples, combine_tensors=True, combine_scalars=True):
    """Take a collection of samples (dictionaries) and create a batch.

    If `tensors` is True, `ndarray` objects are combined into
    tensor batches.

    :param dict samples: list of samples
    :param bool tensors: whether to turn lists of ndarrays into a single ndarray
    :returns: single sample consisting of a batch
    :rtype: dict

    assert isinstance(samples[0], (list, tuple)), type(samples[0])
    batched = list(zip(*samples))
    result = []
    for b in batched:
        if isinstance(b[0], (int, float)):
            if combine_scalars:
                b = np.array(list(b))
        elif isinstance(b[0], TorchTensor):
            if combine_tensors:
                import torch

                b = torch.stack(list(b))
        elif isinstance(b[0], np.ndarray):
            if combine_tensors:
                b = np.array(list(b))
            b = list(b)
    return result

def batched(
    """Create batches of the given size.

    :param data: iterator
    :param batchsize: target batch size
    :param tensors: automatically batch lists of ndarrays into ndarrays
    :param partial: return partial batches
    :returns: iterator

    batch = []
    for sample in data:
        if len(batch) >= batchsize:
            if collation_fn is not None:
                batch = collation_fn(batch)
            yield batch
            batch = []
    if len(batch) == 0:
    elif len(batch) == batchsize or partial:
        if collation_fn is not None:
            batch = collation_fn(batch)
        yield batch

def unlisted(data):
    """Turn batched data back into unbatched data."""
    for batch in data:
        assert isinstance(batch, list), sample
        for sample in batch:
            yield sample

def unbatched(data):
    """Turn batched data back into unbatched data."""
    for sample in data:
        assert isinstance(sample, (tuple, list)), sample
        assert len(sample) > 0
        for i in range(len(sample[0])):
            yield tuple(x[i] for x in sample)

def rsample(data, p=0.5):
    """Randomly subsample a stream of data."""
    assert p >= 0.0 and p <= 1.0
    for sample in data:
        if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < p:
            yield sample
#   def reraise_exception(exn):
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def reraise_exception(exn):
    """Reraises the given exception; used as a handler.

    :param exn: exception
    raise exn

Reraises the given exception; used as a handler.

:param exn: exception

#   def identity(x):
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def identity(x):
    """Return the argument."""
    return x

Return the argument.

#   def compose2(f, g):
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def compose2(f, g):
    """Compose two functions, g(f(x))."""
    return lambda x: g(f(x))

Compose two functions, g(f(x)).

#   def compose(*args):
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def compose(*args):
    """Compose a sequence of functions (left-to-right)."""
    return reduce(compose2, args)

Compose a sequence of functions (left-to-right).

#   def pipeline(source, *args):
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def pipeline(source, *args):
    """Write an input pipeline; first argument is source, rest are filters."""
    if len(args) == 0:
        return source
    return compose(*args)(source)

Write an input pipeline; first argument is source, rest are filters.

#   def getfirst(a, keys, default=None, missing_is_error=True):
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def getfirst(a, keys, default=None, missing_is_error=True):
    """Get the first matching key from a dictionary.

    Keys can be specified as a list, or as a string of keys separated by ';'.
    if isinstance(keys, str):
        assert " " not in keys
        keys = keys.split(";")
    for k in keys:
        if k in a:
            return a[k]
    if missing_is_error:
        raise ValueError(f"didn't find {keys} in {list(a.keys())}")
    return default

Get the first matching key from a dictionary.

Keys can be specified as a list, or as a string of keys separated by ';'.

#   def parse_field_spec(fields):
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def parse_field_spec(fields):
    """Parse a specification for a list of fields to be extracted.

    Keys are separated by spaces in the spec. Each key can itself
    be composed of key alternatives separated by ';'.
    if isinstance(fields, str):
        fields = fields.split()
    return [field.split(";") for field in fields]

Parse a specification for a list of fields to be extracted.

Keys are separated by spaces in the spec. Each key can itself be composed of key alternatives separated by ';'.

#   def transform_with(sample, transformers):
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def transform_with(sample, transformers):
    """Transform a list of values using a list of functions.

    sample: list of values
    transformers: list of functions

    If there are fewer transformers than inputs, or if a transformer
    function is None, then the identity function is used for the
    corresponding sample fields.
    checktype(sample, (tuple, list))
    if transformers is None or len(transformers) == 0:
        return sample
    result = list(sample)
    assert len(transformers) <= len(sample)
    for i in range(len(transformers)):  # skipcq: PYL-C0200
        f = transformers[i]
        if f is not None:
            result[i] = f(sample[i])
    return result

Transform a list of values using a list of functions.

sample: list of values transformers: list of functions

If there are fewer transformers than inputs, or if a transformer function is None, then the identity function is used for the corresponding sample fields.

#   def info( data, fmt=None, n=3, every=-1, width=50, stream=<_io.StringIO object>, name='' ):
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def info(data, fmt=None, n=3, every=-1, width=50, stream=sys.stderr, name=""):
    """Print information about the samples that are passing through.

    :param data: source iterator
    :param fmt: format statement (using sample dict as keyword)
    :param n: when to stop
    :param every: how often to print
    :param width: maximum width
    :param stream: output stream
    :param name: identifier printed before any output
    for i, sample in enumerate(data):
        if i < n or (every > 0 and (i + 1) % every == 0):
            if fmt is None:
                print("---", name, file=stream)
                for k, v in sample.items():
                    print(k, repr(v)[:width], file=stream)
                print(fmt.format(**sample), file=stream)
        yield sample

Print information about the samples that are passing through.

:param data: source iterator :param fmt: format statement (using sample dict as keyword) :param n: when to stop :param every: how often to print :param width: maximum width :param stream: output stream :param name: identifier printed before any output

#   def shuffle( data, bufsize=1000, initial=100, rng=<module 'random' from '/usr/lib/python3.8/random.py'>, handler=None ):
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def shuffle(data, bufsize=1000, initial=100, rng=random, handler=None):
    """Shuffle the data in the stream.

    This uses a buffer of size `bufsize`. Shuffling at
    startup is less random; this is traded off against
    yielding samples quickly.

    data: iterator
    bufsize: buffer size for shuffling
    returns: iterator
    rng: either random module or random.Random instance

    initial = min(initial, bufsize)
    buf = []
    startup = True
    for sample in data:
        if len(buf) < bufsize:
                buf.append(next(data))  # skipcq: PYL-R1708
            except StopIteration:
        k = rng.randint(0, len(buf) - 1)
        sample, buf[k] = buf[k], sample
        if startup and len(buf) < initial:
        startup = False
        yield sample
    for sample in buf:
        yield sample

Shuffle the data in the stream.

This uses a buffer of size bufsize. Shuffling at startup is less random; this is traded off against yielding samples quickly.

data: iterator bufsize: buffer size for shuffling returns: iterator rng: either random module or random.Random instance

#   def select(data, predicate):
View Source
def select(data, predicate):
    """Select samples based on a predicate.

    :param data: source iterator
    :param predicate: predicate (function)
    for sample in data:
        if predicate(sample):
            yield sample

Select samples based on a predicate.

:param data: source iterator :param predicate: predicate (function)

#   def log_keys(data, logfile=None):
View Source
def log_keys(data, logfile=None):
    import fcntl
    if logfile is None or logfile == "":
        for sample in data:
            yield sample
        with open(logfile, "a") as stream:
            for i, sample in enumerate(data):
                buf = f"{i}\t{sample.get('__worker__')}\t{sample.get('__rank__')}\t{sample.get('__key__')}\n"
                    fcntl.flock(stream.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
                    fcntl.flock(stream.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN)
                yield sample
#   def decode(data, *args, handler=<function reraise_exception>, **kw):
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def decode(data, *args, handler=reraise_exception, **kw):
    """Decode data based on the decoding functions given as arguments."""
    f = autodecode.Decoder(list(args), **kw)

    for sample in data:
        assert isinstance(sample, dict), sample
            decoded = f(sample)
        except Exception as exn:  # skipcq: PYL-W0703
            if handler(exn):
        yield decoded

Decode data based on the decoding functions given as arguments.

#   def map(data, f, handler=<function reraise_exception>):
View Source
def map(data, f, handler=reraise_exception):
    """Map samples."""
    for sample in data:
            result = f(sample)
        except Exception as exn:
            if handler(exn):
        if isinstance(sample, dict) and isinstance(result, dict):
            result["__key__"] = sample.get("__key__")
        yield result

Map samples.

#   def rename(data, handler=<function reraise_exception>, keep=True, **kw):
View Source
def rename(data, handler=reraise_exception, keep=True, **kw):
    """Rename samples based on keyword arguments."""
    for sample in data:
            if not keep:
                yield {k: getfirst(sample, v, missing_is_error=True) for k, v in kw.items()}
                def listify(v):
                    return v.split(";") if isinstance(v, str) else v
                to_be_replaced = {x for v in kw.values() for x in listify(v)}
                result = {k: v for k, v in sample.items() if k not in to_be_replaced}
                result.update({k: getfirst(sample, v, missing_is_error=True) for k, v in kw.items()})
                yield result
        except Exception as exn:
            if handler(exn):

Rename samples based on keyword arguments.

#   def associate(data, associator, **kw):
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def associate(data, associator, **kw):
    """Associate additional data with samples."""
    for sample in data:
        if callable(associator):
            extra = associator(sample["__key__"])
            extra = associator.get(sample["__key__"], {})
        sample.update(extra)  # destructive
        yield sample

Associate additional data with samples.

#   def map_dict(data, handler=<function reraise_exception>, **kw):
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def map_dict(data, handler=reraise_exception, **kw):
    """Map the entries in a dict sample with individual functions."""
    assert len(list(kw.keys())) > 0
    for key, f in kw.items():
        assert callable(f), (key, f)

    for sample in data:
        assert isinstance(sample, dict)
            for k, f in kw.items():
                sample[k] = f(sample[k])
        except Exception as exn:
            if handler(exn):
        yield sample

Map the entries in a dict sample with individual functions.

#   def to_tuple( data, *args, handler=<function reraise_exception>, missing_is_error=True, none_is_error=None ):
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def to_tuple(data, *args, handler=reraise_exception, missing_is_error=True, none_is_error=None):
    """Convert dict samples to tuples."""
    if none_is_error is None:
        none_is_error = missing_is_error
    if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str) and " " in args[0]:
        args = args[0].split()

    for sample in data:
            result = tuple([getfirst(sample, f, missing_is_error=missing_is_error) for f in args])
            if none_is_error and any(x is None for x in result):
                raise ValueError(f"to_tuple {args} got {sample.keys()}")
            yield result
        except Exception as exn:
            if handler(exn):

Convert dict samples to tuples.

#   def map_tuple(data, *args, handler=<function reraise_exception>):
View Source
def map_tuple(data, *args, handler=reraise_exception):
    """Map the entries of a tuple with individual functions."""
    args = [f if f is not None else utils.identity for f in args]
    for f in args:
        assert callable(f), f
    for sample in data:
        assert isinstance(sample, (list, tuple))
        sample = list(sample)
        n = min(len(args), len(sample))
            for i in range(n):
                sample[i] = args[i](sample[i])
        except Exception as exn:
            if handler(exn):
        yield tuple(sample)

Map the entries of a tuple with individual functions.

#   def default_collation_fn(samples, combine_tensors=True, combine_scalars=True):
View Source
def default_collation_fn(samples, combine_tensors=True, combine_scalars=True):
    """Take a collection of samples (dictionaries) and create a batch.

    If `tensors` is True, `ndarray` objects are combined into
    tensor batches.

    :param dict samples: list of samples
    :param bool tensors: whether to turn lists of ndarrays into a single ndarray
    :returns: single sample consisting of a batch
    :rtype: dict

    assert isinstance(samples[0], (list, tuple)), type(samples[0])
    batched = list(zip(*samples))
    result = []
    for b in batched:
        if isinstance(b[0], (int, float)):
            if combine_scalars:
                b = np.array(list(b))
        elif isinstance(b[0], TorchTensor):
            if combine_tensors:
                import torch

                b = torch.stack(list(b))
        elif isinstance(b[0], np.ndarray):
            if combine_tensors:
                b = np.array(list(b))
            b = list(b)
    return result

Take a collection of samples (dictionaries) and create a batch.

If tensors is True, ndarray objects are combined into tensor batches.

:param dict samples: list of samples :param bool tensors: whether to turn lists of ndarrays into a single ndarray :returns: single sample consisting of a batch :rtype: dict

#   def batched( data, batchsize=20, collation_fn=<function default_collation_fn>, partial=True ):
View Source
def batched(
    """Create batches of the given size.

    :param data: iterator
    :param batchsize: target batch size
    :param tensors: automatically batch lists of ndarrays into ndarrays
    :param partial: return partial batches
    :returns: iterator

    batch = []
    for sample in data:
        if len(batch) >= batchsize:
            if collation_fn is not None:
                batch = collation_fn(batch)
            yield batch
            batch = []
    if len(batch) == 0:
    elif len(batch) == batchsize or partial:
        if collation_fn is not None:
            batch = collation_fn(batch)
        yield batch

Create batches of the given size.

:param data: iterator :param batchsize: target batch size :param tensors: automatically batch lists of ndarrays into ndarrays :param partial: return partial batches :returns: iterator

#   def unlisted(data):
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def unlisted(data):
    """Turn batched data back into unbatched data."""
    for batch in data:
        assert isinstance(batch, list), sample
        for sample in batch:
            yield sample

Turn batched data back into unbatched data.

#   def unbatched(data):
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def unbatched(data):
    """Turn batched data back into unbatched data."""
    for sample in data:
        assert isinstance(sample, (tuple, list)), sample
        assert len(sample) > 0
        for i in range(len(sample[0])):
            yield tuple(x[i] for x in sample)

Turn batched data back into unbatched data.

#   def rsample(data, p=0.5):
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def rsample(data, p=0.5):
    """Randomly subsample a stream of data."""
    assert p >= 0.0 and p <= 1.0
    for sample in data:
        if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < p:
            yield sample

Randomly subsample a stream of data.